Thursday 20 November 2014


Like with most eight year olds in 2005, Doctor Who affected my life dramatically. Football was never my thing but Doctor Who was. It's spawned a life-long obsession which has led me to meet numerous stars, four Doctors, make friends. Write, create, listen to audios and read books. I've never been someone for rewatching. Once it's watched, it's watched. A second viewing can bring something new to the table - but generally, a text is designed to be understood under one reading. But things have changed a lot since then. As an A-Level student almost a decade later, I am not the same person. Even if one discounts puberty, maturity etc., so much has changed in the years since.

So, 51 years after the series launched. 9 and a half since it revitalized itself to a new generation - and subsequent generations. New waves of parents have been showing it to their kids - and I'm sure some of those parents were teenagers in 2005 who now have children of their own to introduce the show to.

I've given myself a task. Rewatch the first series of Doctor Who and write about it. My aim is to balance critical views with the context of the show, and personal reflection and anecdotes. It's been a long time, but bits of each episode still stick with me. I wouldn't have understood all the humour or the subtext or the context of every episode, but it's left a mark. And who knows, maybe I'll move through the rest of the RTD tenure in the process too? I love Davies, I love Moffatt. They all bring something different to the table.

Fantastic, or is it allonsy?